
Genealogical online services for family tree researchers

Screenshot Open Archives

Open Archives

Search the genealogical data of Dutch and Belgian archives

With Open Archives you can search records of archives that have made their data available for reuse. Open Archives continues where archive websites stop, it searches for related records (across archives!), Links to other related data sources and data is presented in a beautiful and insightful way, including context information.

Logo Open Archives

With information on 353 million persons!

Search for historical records now

Screenshot Genealogy Online

Genealogy Online

Search for your ancestors and publish your family tree

Genealogy Online offers you the possibility to easily place your genealogical data and images on the Internet. You will receive suggestions on the possible locations of scans of records at archives. All family trees are analyzed every month to find similarities, these possible leads can help you further in your research!

Logo Genealogy Online

Over 83 million ancestors online and searchable!

Put your family tree online

Screenshot Family Archivist

Family Archivist

Save your family history, create a digital family archive

The website Family Archivist offers family tree researchers a closed virtual space where a digital family archive can be formed. Genealogists can invite family members to Family Archivist to participate in the family archive: they can view the family archive, fill it with material such as photos and scans, write family stories and add comments!

Logo Family Archivist

More than 5 thousand family archives active!

Start a digital family archive

Screenshot Stamboom Forum

Stamboom Forumnl

Online meeting place for genealogists and family history (only available in Dutch)

The Stamboom Forumm offers you opportunities to get in touch with others about genealogy, archives, history and family names. Via the various forums you can ask questions, give feedback, exchange tips, suggest ideas and report news! Get in touch with other family tree researchers based on the family names they are looking for or researching.

Logo Stamboom Forum

More than 131 thousand genealogists preceded you!

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Screenshot Genealogie Werkbalk

Genealogie Werkbalknl

Quickly and easily search in Dutch genealogical sources (only available in Dutch)

The Genealogie Werkbalk gives you direct access to a collection of important Dutch genealogical sources that are all searchable by family name, helps you find scans at FamilySearch by place name and year and points the way to the archive.

Logo Genealogie Werkbalk

Especially for family tree researchers!

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Screenshot Stamboom Gids

Stamboom Gidsnl

The most comprehensive guide in the field of genealogy and archive (only available in Dutch)

With the Stamboom Gids you can find the websites that are of interest to genealogists. All websites, provided by genealogists, are categorized and provided with a screenshot and description. Genealogists can give the websites a review, which will bring up the best and most relevant websites.

Logo Stamboom Gids

Over 26 thousand websites categorized and searchable!

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